Lottery for us means the easiest way to get money without taking efforts expect spending few little bucks to get a ticket. Lottery is one such word which brings happiness to us but we assume it won’t happen to any one of us. There are untold stories behind this fantasized lotteries, have a look here to know about some facts you didn’t knew about lottery.
1. We think winners would probably take care of their finite fortune but most of them spend their million dollar money earned in lottery within 5 years.
2. 45% of people set their own business with the amount earned in lottery and we hope they don’t lose it all after years.
3. David Lee Edwards, a lottery winner of $27 million gave so much money to his friends that two of them died out of overdose of drugs.
4. Michael Carroll, a garage man won £9 million in a lottery, he spend them all in buying home, car, jewelry and drugs. Unfortunately, now he is a garage man again.
5. Average lottery winners buy up to 5 cars for themselves and 5% out of them buy more than 10 cars.
6. The largest lottery ticket was won by Gloria Mackenzie, Florida in 2013. Lottery ticket was of $590.5 Million which is highest till now.
7. 18 is a luckiest number you can play with. This green ball was drawn 314 times since 1994.
8. 90% people give up after they have won a lottery while rest people assure themselves they can win the lottery prize once again.
9. The least drawn lotto ball number in the history of lottery is 13. It is only drawn 230 times since 1994.
10. Your chance of being happy after winning lottery is 40%.
11. 85% of lottery winners make new friends for a certain period of time.