Before you travel to Japan, you really need to brush up few inside things that can land you in trouble. Apart from the excitement for your tour of Japan, there are few things that can really screw your days completely. Here we mention you about few things you definitely should avoid doing in Japan.
1. You are not allowed to pass on chopsticks from one person to another, if you are doing so this is considered as a bad sign for a person.
2. If you are travelling with older people, you are supposed to take a seat closet to the doorway so that if any attack occur, the younger one is attacked first and the others have time to protect and save the elder and experienced ones.
3. You are strictly not allowed to wear the special toilet slippers at home. In most of the Japanese toilets you will find various attachments and machines to dry your private parts, so if you are not aware of its use don’t ask anyone, use a toilet paper instead.
4. You are not supposed to yawn in public and even if you are doing so, your superior has the right to slap you and make you listen again to his conversation.
5. People in Japan do not like being hugged by you or anyone. This specially implies to older public.
6. You should have a clean bath and you are not allowed to enter the steaming bath before you take a clean bath. If you enter the steam bath area without talking a bath, you would be kicked out of Japanese home.
7. Don’t go into people’s homes with your shoes on. Usually the homes have a level down staircase where you are supposed to remove shoes and then enter in.
8. If someone has invited you to dinner or drinks, they are the people who will pay the bill. So, don’t insist that you want to pay.
9. When speaking one-on-one with someone in Japan it is better to utter a few words every now and again so that it shows respect to the speaker.
10. Queue system is different in Japan where each person stands in front of a random cubicle and uses it whenever it becomes free. So, you hardly find any Queue there.
11. You are not supposed to expect western toilets and even if you find them, consider yourself lucky.
12. You are not supposed to sip or chew anything while walking as they have a tradition of following the Itadakimasuprayer which means “I humbly receive”.
So, did you know about all these things?