We all are Proud Indians and love our national language Hindi. But no one can refuse to admit that we speak the combination of Hindi and English i.e Hinglish generally.
Even those who claim to know only one language i.e Hindi are not aware of the fact that many times they use English words to express their feelings and thoughts.
The reason is simple. We don’t the Hindi equivalent of many words we use in our daily life. That’s bad right? Well we are here to fix your problem.
We decided to find out those English words that we use regularly but don’t know the Hindi meaning. Here we list down 12 of them along with their meaning.
1. Engineer
2 Computer
3 Laptop
4 Mobile
5 Architect
6 Tube Light
7 Xerox
8 Pitcher
9 Desperate
10 Bully
11 Social Media
12 Scrotum
Isn’t that really cool? Now you are ready to flaunt your Hindi skills among your friends.