WhatsApp has become an inseparable part of our lives. Day and night, people keep texting each other, without realizing that it has become an addiction. When it comes to lovers, there are certain rules that have to be followed on WhatsApp and don’t you dare break even one, else it would break your relationship. These days, this IM app has become the main reason for many breakups; do you want to know how? Let us sail through them…
1. Typing, Typing and Typing!
For instance, if your boyfriend/girlfriend is typing, typing and typing for a long time and finally rubs it off, you often become very nervous and anxious. This gives a new reason to spark an argument. If it goes beyond the limits, expect a breakup.
2. Ignorance has a new name
Those blue ticks give us a blue feeling, when messages are read by our lover but aren’t replied to.
3. The “k” Syndrome
Many a times, when the boyfriend/girlfriend is super-pissed, he/she might just message “K”. Does this mean that he/she is not interested in talking further? Even if this is not the case, the boy/girl would always think so.
4. The Drifting Apart Zone
Once you and your partner are on Whatsapp, it is a MUST for you to keep chatting on and off and if you fail to do so, be ready to hear the firing.
5. The Last Seen Issue
The last seen timestamp has actually ended many relationships. You might see your boyfriend/girlfriend online at around 1am at night, wherein he/she actually has that habit of sleeping at 11pm. So isn’t this a good reason for arguments, further leading to break-up?
6. Conversations have become quite Informal
Short forms, slang language or unfiltered posts with grammar errors might not be appreciated and if your BF/GF is a grammar nazi, then you have to face the wrath.
7. The DP Blame game
Don’t you dare keep your Whatsapp DP with your best friend. Your partner might not like it and this will start a new war of words.
8. The Invisible Last seen
The obvious question “Why do you want to hide the last seen time” and if you fail to answer, you will be bombarded with some more questions. MY GOD! This is too much.
9. Your Status can become the TROUBLEMAKER
Don’t you dare set a Breakup song line as your status! Even if you don’t intend to keep it purposefully, your lover would get a hint that you want to end all relations with him/her! So BEWARE
10. Clear Conversations
No matter whatever happens, you aren’t allowed to clear your chat with you lover’s best-friend. If your boyfriend/girlfriend finds it cleared, you are GONE!
11. Blocked
Even if your phone has automatic updates and by chance the WhatsApp application gets deleted, your partner directly lands at your place thinking you BLOCKED him/her. Then, be prepared for the war of words.
So, be thankful if you have a partner who is not so much into social media because there nothing more addictive than this.