Every girl dreams to do sometime really interesting and what she loves. Doing a bunch things will really become good stories to tell latter. However, instead of getting blown away by others dream you need to enjoy you life and girl should do alteast once in lifetime.
1. Try to experiment all type of cloths in the market! Live your life and expand your choice.
2. Every girl should booze, booze and booze at least once in your life time.
3. You definitely learn to drive, even though you don’t own a car or a bike. Learning this skill is definitely fun.
4. You need to speak up at those places where you really don’t deserve to stay.
5. Attend a life concert and enjoy the Rock music!
6. Playing Pranks with unknown people is always fun! Such memories would always be with you.
7. You should travel alone once to a foreign country and live your life.
8. Try to get a tattoo and hell yes! It feels really awesome.
9. Try to date someone who is really younger to you! Your experience matters.
10. You need to spend a day in the complete lap of luxury, so spend a day at a nearby spa you can afford.
11. Travelling by yourself is a great way to learn about who you really are, so travel alone.
So, how many of you have done all of these? Share the post with your friends and comment how many of these listed items you have done till now.