There are thousands of fairies and stories around us which tell what changes common people can bring about even working on individual levels. Like if you all remember “A Wednesday ” in which a common man shows his anger towards terrorists but Still the power of a common man is always underestimated in India.
Here are some strong reasons for us to never underestimate the power of a common man.
Reason #1
Reel v/s Real
Abs are not only for celebrities PROVED P
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Reason #2
When an Indian driver was not paid his salary, he quits the job, now see how he parked the car before quitting the job
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Reason #3
Arvind Kejriwal
One before he was elected the CM of Delhi and the second was shot after that
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Reason #4
Manjhi : The mountain man
Recently , a movie on him
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Reason #5
When the Madhya Pradesh Government made a rule “No Helmet No Petrol”
and the solution is
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Reason #6
SBI tries to fool man and the man fights with full power ..
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Reason #7
Pune : Where people together lifted a bus to save lives of students..
hats off
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Reason #8
Armstrong Pame
IAS officer who got a 100 kms road built so that a remote village could be connected to other states and other parts of Manipur. He also didn’t ask for any help even from the government.
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Reason #9
This Assamese man has planted an entire jungle by planting trees for more than 30 years, and he didn’t ever take any help from anybody.
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Reason #10
When Flipkart fools its customer and one of us stand against it
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Reason #11
Once a McDonald franchise situated in Pune threw a poor kid out when he tried to buy something, and the customers protested massively against it and the branch had to shut down ..
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Very good examples must say
So never ever again underestimate a common man
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