“Cartoon” the word given to some two-dimensional illustrated visual arts, Generally a work of Imaginary Things collected to entertain us. About everyone of us used to watch cartoons in our childhood. We just liked everything about them and still feel that those days were awesome. Taking back a look, we find many Real PHYSICS laws different from the PHYSICS in the cartoons, that actually was something stupid we think now, The thinking of a grown up is totally different from the oder younger childish version of us, We laughed when they got hit and fall down and we just liked in the way that the characters just played with each other and keep us entertained.
We collected some PHYSICS LAWS used in Our Favorite cartoons.
1. Don’t Look Down.. You Will Fall

2. It’s Like Buoyancy.. Gravity isn’t enough to keep the object Down To Earth as Gravity is less than the force causing the body to go upward.

3. A Body Will Tend To Remain In Motion Until And Unless Any External Force Is Applied Onto It.. The External Force For Stopping The Motion Is a Strike By Any Body

4. A Perimeter Will Be Visible After Passing Through Any Solid Matter

5. No Need Of Electricity, Machine Will Work For Sure!

6. The Explosion Occurring Will Not Put Up A Big Damage To The Person. They Are Strong, Can Withstand The Explosion Very Effectively.

7. A Horn’s Sound Wavelength, Amplitude And Pitch Is too Damn High In Cartoons.

8. People Say “Fear of Falling, Cartoons Say, “No Falling In Fear”.

9. No Need Of A XRAY Test An Electric Current Gives The Same Results In A Better Way!

10. Gravity isn’t Just Same For All Objects, It’s Different

11. Even Physics Is Not The Same For Everyone As No Law Is Applicable On The Special Characters