We just came across this heartwarming ad on Mother’s Day by Friends Adult Diapers, and it made us all think about the lovely relationship we should share with our elders!
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The bond between parents and kids is the most loving, adorable and selfless one. Being a parent demands a lot of affection, care, sacrifice, patience, devotion and compassion. Well, the list of qualities appears to be quite long as well as difficult and so is the parenthood! Agree or not, no one in the world can love you or care for you more than your parents and that’s why, they are considered next to God.
When parents devote their whole life in raising kids, giving them an ideal upbringing, fulfilling all their needs at the stake of their own and building their future, it is the duty of children to make sure that they also carry out all the responsibilities of a perfect son/daughter and give their parents a comfortable, happy and peaceful life that they deserve.
Here are 10 ways to prove your love and care for your parents when they grow old:
1. Provide them with a pack of adult diapers

A number of physical changes take place as a person grows old. Body parts start functioning less with time and even for basic things like urination, elderly people need someone’s assistance at times. Moreover, due to medical conditions, some people have less or no control over urination and that’s where Friends Adult Diapers prove to be of a great use. They are good even for those who are bedridden or use a wheelchair as they don’t immediately need to go to washroom. Believe me, it’s a better gift than a designer saree or expensive jewelry as it makes them comfortable and contended. What else does one need at this stage?
Also don’t forget to check whether the diapers have finished and make sure that you get your parents one pack in advance before it finishes. They will love you a lot for this little but major help!
2. Cook their favourite dishes

Remember how mom used to cook your favourish dishes whenever you asked for it, regardless of day or night? She would love if you cook what she likes even once in a month. No matter you cook tasty or average food, this gesture will fill her with delight and the proud mother will be on cloud nine with joy.
3. Ask what they want

Even if you take care of all their basic necessities like food, clothes and items of daily usage, don’t think that your responsibilities are over. They might need something else and may not be able to tell you out of hesitation. Try to inquire about it while having general conversation and if you get to know about any such stuff, provide them with it. This small gesture will give them a feeling of security that you understand their requirements even when they don’t directly tell you about it.
4. Take them to shopping or movie

They might not have a long list of things to shop but everyone likes to go out with family as it refreshes mind and strengthens the relationship. Ask them for a good movie and they will not only love your company but also feel blessed to have a son/daughter who thinks about their entertainment as well. These little things bring major changes!
5. Bring something for them at least once or twice a month

Apart from meeting their regular requirements, try to do something special for them at least once a month. For instance, you can buy their favourite ice-cream or the footwear that they desired to puchase but couldn’t and give them a surprise. Their eyes will be wet but with tears of joy….
6. Respect their will

Generation gap naturally comes with a lot of contrast and contradiction; however instead of arguing every time, if you simply obey what they say and respect their will, they too will value your decisions by time. This is a great way to overcome the problem of generation gap that is among the biggest causes of conflict among family members.
7. Look after them in their sickness

Remember how your parents spent sleepless nights when you were sick? You might be very busy with your work but if they are ill and need you, taking their best care should be your priority. Your work may be done by someone else or some other day but your parents are wholly and solely your responsibility.
8. Spend time with them

We understand that it’s the era of cut-throat competition and to survive in this competitive world or bring home sufficient money to meet the needs, you might have to work for longer hours. But never overlook your parents while competing in the race. You can earn money all through your life but your parents might not be there as man is mortal. Spend at least 30 minutes daily with them, talk to them, share your problems and have some unforgettable moments that you will cherish for the rest of your life.
9. Bear their tantrums

It’s said that old people are like babies and at times, they may throw tantrums which you find childish. However, don’t forget that they are going through a lot of physical, mental and emotional changes in that phase. Have patience and bear their tantrums. Recall the time when they fulfilled even your weirdest demands, became kids with you, played with you and gave you all their time as if you are the world. Don’t you think that they deserve the same treatment?
10. Take their advice or seek their permission

Even if you are mature enough to take your decisions, it will always be a wise idea to take their suggestions as they are more experienced than you and will never give your wrong advice. Also seek their permission before important things and try not to go against their wish. It will make them feel that you are still their loving child and consider them important in your life.
Although there is no way by which children can repay parents for what they have done, if you do these 10 things for your parents, they will feel blessed and think that they have carried out their responsibility as parents properly as your virtues are eventually the mirror of their upbringing.
In Association With Friends Adult Diaper