Tablets & smart phones have surely changed our world, but do you also know some other uses of your tablet? The apps and accessories do help in taking the full advantage, but we also have surprising uses that you didn’t know.
1. The new generation of tablets have unique sensors that can be used to run a weather station.
2. You can attach Purpose-built microscopes to your tablets through a router to record or share images to analysis it later.
3. Cuffs, bands or fitness watches can very effectively be used to transmit info of your heart rate & blood pressure directly to your tablet via Wi-Fi or even Bluetooth connection.
4. Install TeamViewer on your Android tab to remotely access else’s computer.
5. You can use your tablet like a second monitor for multi-tasking.
6. Install apps on your tablet that will help you to watch TV. In fact, you can also stream live TV.
7. Do you have webcam installed inside your home? There are many apps that you can install to get live feed to safeguard your home via tablet.
8. Google Cloud Print on you tablet will help you get print out of the documents even if you aren’t physically near the device.
9. Use your tablet as a Kindle device.
10. Make you tablet a remote for home theater PC or computer.
Do share if you know any other uses of the tablet.