‘Mard ko dard nahi hota’- a phrase once considered to be dipped in truthfulness has slowly begun to lose force. Men, of late, have started exhibiting the fact that they too have their own share of sentiments and can shed tear if need be. Wouldn’t it now be interesting to find out what the opposite sex thinks when men cry in front of them? Quora users have explained it. Let’s throw a glance.
1. That the boy trusts the girl completely with his emotions and makes no bones about opening up to her
2. That the guy is sad and needs a friend
3. That the man is manly enough to let his defenses collapse and break into tears
4. That the boy doesn’t have that infamous haughty aura of being a male and never looks down upon girls
5. Well, some girls get real panicky when such things spring up out of the blue. Unable to find a way to react, they end up doing something stupid
6. However, if a boy weeps while watching a movie, the woman with him would certainly take him to be the sissiest fellow she has ever gone out with
7. If the guy keeps breaking down into tears very often, no girl would rub shoulders with him no matter what makes him whimper
8. No girl would appreciate if a boy ends up wailing and creates a scene when they are in public
9. That the boy has in him to become a poet and write melancholic lyrics for Bollywood songs
10. That the guy is effeminate enough to let the tears do the talking rather than battling out the odds with gutsiness
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