What’s the one word that can get the attention of women and set their mind on fire? You guessed that right. It’s ‘shopping’! Going on a shopping spree needs no reason. All it takes is a crazy mind and a purse full of credit cards.
Let’s take a look at the ten things that millions of shopaholic women would connect to.
1. The Happy Dance
No matter how low they feel, the mere idea of shopping excites the ladies, making them jump up and down like the little minions!
2. Shopping for Stress-Release
When they feel stressed out about something, they go buy a cute dress. When they realize they are the same stressed out person in the cute dress, that’s when they buy shoes!
3. Coming Back Home Overloaded!
Shopaholic women are impulsive. They go out to get one dress and come back with ten. And that happens every single time. Their urge to splurge is so overwhelming.
4. SALE!
Sale makes women go crazy. Have you ever seen your girl’s reaction to that ‘S’ word? If it is something like this, she is a certified shopaholic. Moreover, sale is just an excuse to buy the stuff they don’t really need. Weird, right?
5. When the Dress They Like Just Won’t Fit
This is the nightmare come true! After going through several dresses, the choosy shopaholic picks the most amazing one, and when she goes ahead to try it, it won’t fit. It’s like her world is falling apart and she can’t breathe and feels like breaking down into tears in that damn changing room. “Oh God, Why me?”
6. That Moment of Pride
Bargaining while shopping is the birthright of every woman. And the shopaholics feel on the top of the world when they have successfully exercised their right. “Yayyy! Now I can shop more with the money I just saved!”
7. When People Tell You to Calm the Heck Down
Shopaholic women are often looked down upon by friends and family for their spendthrift ways. When they are advised to put a leash on their spending habits, this is how they react.
8. When The Credit Card Limits Gets Exhausted
Okay…So now the credit card limit has maxed out! What now? “I should be worried about all this credit card bills! I don’t even remember what did I use it for?” “Holy crap! How am I going to buy that pretty Dolce Gabbana scarf?” So much confusion. It’s like the apocalypse.
9. When Management Skills Come to Life
When girls go shopping together especially during a sale, they tend to become the best managers in the whole wide world. They know their priorities, delegate the sections among themselves and co-ordinate like there is no tomorrow! “Okay, you take the shoes, I will see the clothes. And you, make sure one of the changing rooms is always available.” That’s how they roll!
10. Saving More Money to Shop
When you are planning ahead to shop at the upcoming sale, your primary goal is to save as much money for the occasion as you can.