Twitter with more than 300 million active users is one of the biggest social networking site in the world. Twitter basically enable users to send and read 140 character short messages. Twitter is the 8th most visited site in the world with more than $1.4 billion revenue. We collected some of best facts you should know about Twitter.
1. The bird you see in Twitter logo has a name, its “Larry”. Its named after a NBA player named Larry Bird.
2. Twitter has nearly 300 million active users posting more than 500 million tweets daily, Its 3,47,000 tweets every minute.
3. If you want to read all the tweets on Tweeter, It would take you 31 years to read all those tweets.
4. The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency of USA) monitor nearly 5 million tweets a day.
5. Someone hacked into The Associated Press Twitter account and posted a tweet about explosion in White House resulted nearly $130 billion of share market drop.
6. Sweden country has a official Twitter account, they choose a random person from whole country and give them access to their Twitter account. The chosen person is allowed to tweet on the behalf of the whole country.
7. The German studies revealed that a average Twitter user has more problem with fighting the urge of tweet then the urge of Sex or Shopping.
8. Twitter has 974 million users but 44% of them never posted a single tweet.
9. Only 26 million of Justin Beiber’s 63 million Twitter followers are linked to genuine account.
10. Twitter has been blocked in many countries including China, Iran, North Korea, Iraq, Turkey and many others.
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