Lets all accept it, GoT has taken over our lives like a force. Season 5 is making us wait with baited breaths and as days are running away bringing April 12th closer, here is a post that only a Game of Thrones fan will understand.
Brace yourself already! 😉
1. You have been waiting for the 12th of April from a long time.
The anticipation is killing you. You have spent endless amount of time searching for legit trailers. Whatever is the meaning behind the white and black door of the city of Braavos?
2. When you say “You know nothing”, you mean love.
You know that is the most loving thing you can tell the object of your affection.
Scene: You and the bae are having a major fight.
Bae: You don’t love me anymore, I know.
You: You know nothing. *smiles*
3. Sausage make you want to puke.
Thank you, Ramsay. Thank you so much for ruining sausage for me.
4. The combination of weddings and music reminds you of The Rains of Castamere.
And you want to kill Walder Frey. People think you are psychotic for having freaked out over the eerie notes of a musical melody. Oh, Robb Stark.
5. You don’t underestimate short people.
6. You don’t like it when random people call you brother/sister.
Your favorite pick up line can be, “Are you sure we aren’t related? ” Lannisters. *Sigh*
7. You have learnt to celebrate certain deaths.
8. You sing along the theme of GoT while you forward the themes of other sitcoms.
Dada…dadada da…da da daaaaaa…..
9. You have at one point considered a dire-wolf for a pet.
10. You don’t call strong women princesses. You call them, Khaleesi.
We can never have enough of Game of Thrones, can we? Lets all hope that our favorite characters don’t die this April. Amen.
Tag the Game of Thrones fanatics here, we deserve group hugs 😀