Whether you are young or old, life is for living. We get life once and it demands to be lived. With the increasing pressure of performance and the responsibilities one tends to forget living. Future takes precedence over the present. And a sense of missing overcomes. Who doesn’t wants to live those moments that contains in itself an eternity?
Here are the 10 things that you are missing in daily humdrum.
1. Doing what comes in your mind this instant!! Even if its crazy 😛 😉
2. Letting go of your frustration without words
3. Living the one old forgotten passion
4. Running a marathon
5. A night with friends on road
6. Exploring alone, without a map and there you are !!!
7. Spending the night under the stars with your love
8. Traveling to your dream destination
9. Dancing as if nobody sees you, d desi way bhaiiiii !!1
10. Closing one’s eyes and feeling the moment. JUST THIS MOMENT!
Live it abhi!!!!!