It is very difficult for a man to understand, whether the man is good for him or not. Here we brought a post for all the confused ladies, which states the signs that you’ve got a good man.
1. A good man will always inspire you and also encourage others to live individual life.
2. A good man admits his mistakes and also knows when he’s wrong.
3. He is the person who would love to surprises you with sugary words and acts of love.
4. Family is always an priority for a good men and also respect other’s family.
5. A good man will try to work hard to gain your trust.
6. He is very obient and will always listens to you
7. He will never speak anything against his X and would never hold grudges against anyone. 
8. A good man never cross his limits in relationship and would chose to give no comments.
9. A good man will stand by you in all the challenges and unexpected situations.
10. A good man is never broken and will always focus on self improvement.