No doubt, there is always some conflict going on when a girl is asked to choose one skill in her partner out of the two which are intelligence and good looks. Some prefer intelligent men which others give a priority to smart appearance. Well, this choice thoroughly depends on one’s liking and disliking. But here I have mentioned 10 reasons as to why girls prefer intelligent guys rather than hot men:
1. Intelligent guys are likely to be successful in life.
2. Hot looks appeal but intelligence helps people make money and as we know “MONEY IS EVERYHING”
3. Intelligent boys help a lot in studies and provide already prepared notes.
4. Whether you have been a failure in life, if your partner is intelligent, you’ll be considered intelligent too!!
5. You’ll have only sensible fights in place of creating a scene without any reasonable cause.
6. People will look at your partner with respect. Not only this, they’ll also follow or agree to his judgments and decisions for the prejudice of considering him ‘Intelligent’.
7. If the husband is intelligent, chances are more of kids being intelligent!
8. When you live with an intelligent man, your intelligence and IQ develop too.
9. He’ll help kids in studies if you are not able to understand something or don’t have time!!
10. You’ll have a distinct identity at your parental home. Your parents & relatives will have high regards for your husband, as it’s better to have a husband like Narendra Modi than Rahul Gandhi.
Do you think we left any point or do you know more reasons? Share with us in your comments!!