Drinking alcohol has been a scourge to the humankind for long. It’s been one of the major reasons behind premature deaths worldwide. Most people are totally aware of the fatal consequences consuming alcohol might usher in, yet they seem to bar them from attention. It’s just been like flogging a dead horse while trying to make people refrain from alcohol. So, we try a different approach here. We present to you 10 rock-solid reasons as to why one should never stop drinking.
1. Drinking alcohol works wonders for your kidneys. Are you having any issues with your kidneys? If yes, then add a couple of bottles more to your daily drinking routine. Rest assured, your kidneys would purify your blood in an epic manner
2. …..And even then, if the pair of organs goes bad, just chill! Replacing kidneys is such a mundane thing. A sheer walk in the park!
3. Drink like a guzzler and subject the world around you to your disgustful ‘gross side’
4. You can hurl swearwords at people around when in a state of intoxication and lose your respect. After all, respect is just bullshit. Who gives a damn anyway when losing self-dignity is such a treat to one’s senses.
5. You can always drive at full speed after getting yourself wasted at the downtown bar. Driving gets so much fun when your car flips over after a head-on collision with another car. Driving at its very best. What say?
6. Well, drinking is the ideal way to lose your sense of right and wrong. What a dignified thing to do, ain’t it?
7. How idyllic it is to go home drunk every evening and pick a noisy fight with your wife for no good reason. Right? Trust me, your wife would treasure such moments all her life
8. The easiest way to get the ‘pervert you’ on full display is by getting smashed in a club. C’mon! Letting yourself get driven by pure lust and ending up doing something anti-social is the coolest thing to do. Bring it on!
9. So, your ‘Idol’ endorses that whisky brand. Be my guest! Can’t be a better reason for you to belt down as many bottles of it as you like. Moreover, in all likelihood, your ‘Idol’ would bear all your medical expenses when your very survival would be at risk
10. Puking has always been the ‘in thing’. One must throw up to their heart’s content to impress somebody standing right close. So, keep going on a drinking spree and keep ejecting. Happy puking folks!