Food has an important place in our lives. While it’s a basic requirement to live, some people live so that they can eat tasty food every day. Apart from all the relationship goals, marriage goals, vacation goals, they’ve food goals too and they really try their best to achieve them.
And for all the foodies out there, here we have a list of some unbelievably expensive items that will give you food goals. Well, we can’t say anything about their taste, but we can hope it matches the price.
1. Buddha Jumps Over the Wall Soup

Price: $190 (Rs 12000 approx)
You need to order this soup 5 days in advance so that the restaurant can arrange all the ingredients i.e shark’s fin, abalone, Japanese flower mushroom, sea cucumber, dried scallops, chicken, Huan ham, pork and ginseng.
It is available at Kai Mayfair, London.
2. Billion Dollar Popcorn

Price: $250 (Rs 16,000 approx)
These popcorns are made with Nielsen Massey Bourbon Vanilla and Vermont creamery butter. Once the popcorn is cooked it is covered with 23 karat edible gold flakes and the famous laeso salt from Denmark.
You can get it at Berco’s Popcorn, Chicago.
3. Westin Hotel Bagel

Price: $1000 (Rs 64,000 approx)
Served at Westin Hotel, New York, these bagels have golden leaves, Italian truffle and a tiny amount of white truffle cream cheese, and goji berry-infused Riesling jelly.
4. White Truffles

Price: 7000 euros per kg (Rs 56 lakhs approx)
Though they may not really appeal you look wise, White Truffles are extremely popular in Italy as an incorporated item for luxurious foods. Restaurants around the world serve it along with scrambled eggs.
5. Vanilla

Price: $4000 lbs (Rs 2.57 lakhs approx)
You think Vanilla as a very common and basic item that’s used in icecreams. That’s because you are simply unaware of its value. Forget the flavour that you have been eating all this while, the Vanilla costs $4000 lbs.
6. Densuke Watermelon

Just hundreds of this kind of watermelons are farmed every year. In a 2008 auction, one of such watermelon was sold for $ 6100 (Rs 3.91 lakhs)
7. Almas Caviar

Price $25,000 (Rs 16 lakhs)
A very rare food item that you may find in Iran and London but its way too costly. The product is sold in a classy tin packaging with 24 karat of Gold.
8. La Bonnotte potatoes

Price: $ 1600 per kg (Rs 1 lakh approx)
Again you would wonder, how come potatoes are there in this list. Well, just like we have some extraordinary humans, we’ve some special potatoes in this world.
They are as rare as extinct and are only found in Noirmoutier, Wester France.
9. Black Truffle

Price: Up to $1700 (Rs 1.09 lakhs approx)
After White truffles, they are considered as the most expensive truffles. Black Truffle is considered as a luxurious food item and is used as a taste enhancer in top restaurants.
10. Matsutake Mushrooms

$1000 (Rs 64,000)
These mushrooms are prone to extinction and that’s what makes them this expensive.
What are your thoughts on this?