People who show their true color, make their own as well as others life very simple, rather than one who pretends to be someone and is completely opposite of the cultivated image. But sadly not only individuals but the whole society belongs under the same category. If you don’t believe us, you will surely believe in these poster that depicts the hypocrisy of the society very aptly.
So ScrollDroll along with The Logical Indian made us realize how hypocrite we can be.
1. And the Ladies First Concept Exist
2. It begins All at Home
3. The War on the Name of Gender Discrimination
4. Stop Complaining Around
5. Chotu Chai La!!!
6. The Size of the Dress Does Matter
7. Different Opinion For Different Gender
8. The Government Looks Into the Matter
9. Trending Topic Is More essential
10. Change the Profile Picture & Protest
All are hundred percent correct.. You ought to believe it.
What else you find is very pretentious in our society? Tell us