This young lady, Suman Rao a resident from Rajasthan just became Miss India and we can all agree, she is gorgeous! Last year’s winner Anukreethy Vas from Tamil Nadu passed on her crown to the 20-year-old. Suman Rao was born in November 1999 and has already been crowned as Miss Rajasthan. She is now all set to represent our country in Miss World in December.
Suman Rao is also a Kathak Dancer and is doing CA, she was bought up in Mumbai. She strongly stands for women’s rights and is very vocal about gender inequality and stereotypes. She said, ” I come from a community where gender inequality and other stereotypes are still into existence, so when I saw two primary choices in front of me, to either accept the conditions those were in existence or to take the responsibility for changing the same, I chose the latter one.”
Well, you go girl! Not only she is smart, but she is also drop dead gorgeous. Here are some of her photos.
She seems like a complete package doesn’t she?