There would be a bunch of Tony Stark fans out there. Robert Downey Jr. plays the role with utmost perfection. Today, we’ll take a look at top 10 Tony Stark moments that’ll convince you that he is the GOAT (Greatest of All Time).
1. Someone isn’t shot on bragging.
2. Students’ situation during exam time.
3. He never fails to inspire you.
4. When you’re dating Tony Stark…
5. He sure knows how to speak to women.
6. Some more inspiration from Mr. Stark.
7. Tony and Banner, friends forever.
8. Captain America and Tony ain’t the best of pals.
9. Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?
10.Me during group projects…
So, those were the top Tony Stark moments. Admit it, at some point of time we all have tried, or at least aspired to be like him. 😉