Dhoni’s Beheaded Pic went viral over the Internet today. The pic actually represents the anger of Bangladeshis on Mahendra Singh Dhoni who elbowed Mustafizur Rahman in last One Day International series. It’s not the first time that Bangladeshis have done something that exploits the sporting spirit. They have attacked the Indian fans and have done many more things which proves them to be childish. Bangladeshi fans have clearly crossed the limits today and need to learn a lesson. These memes will help in making them learn.
1. That’s How Team INDIA Is Practicing
2. Why Education Is Important
3. How Fans See Vs How The Whole World Sees
4. Proud Of
5. Celebrated Win Against Pakistan As They Won’t Be Able To Vs India
6. They Won’t Change
7. Sabko Batting Milegi 😀
8. Before & After
9. Photoshop Ki Pirated CD Mil Gayi Hogi 😛
10. Don’t Worry Bangladesh, India Will Not Chop Your Head
For More Information about the photograph Blood Of Every Indian Will Boil Seeing This Pic Of Taskin Holding Dhoni’s Chopped Head.
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