We all have just imagined anything from aeroplane to an ipod which can be one of the greatest and cleverest inventions known to man. Here we mention you about the most some manmade Nano materials with futuristic powers.
1. Nano films are used to make thin films which are water-repellent, anti-reflective, self-cleaning, antifog, and also electrically conductive.
2. Artificial Retina is Israel based developed which is used to connect eye’s neuron to convey neural simulation to the brain.
3. Nano particles are injected in the body which is used to preferably bind to cancer cells which makes it visible.
4. Nano sponge phone charger works like a sponge that soaks up the kinetic power from environment and channels it to the phone.
5. Nanowires are extremely thin wires which makes them useful in various electronic these days.
6. Submarine Air Freshener is exclusively made for submarine crews who have to breathe a strange smelling air due to CO2 present in the air there.
7. Nano gels are a thermal insulation used to capture fragrances, chemical catalysts and biochemical.
8. Nanopatches are normal sized patches that are attached to the arm in order to deliver a targeted dose of Nano particles- sized drugs.
9. Organ Repairing Nano needles are nano sized needles that could replace surgery or atleast supplement it.
10. 3-D Chemical Printer is capable of churning out thousands of different 3D arts.