It just adds on to the beauty. Here are 10 revealing facts about lipsticks. Have a look.
1. The average woman spends $180 on lipstick in her lifetime.
2. In Ancient Greece, lipstick was used to identify prostitutes.
3. George Washington used to wear lipstick occasionally.
4. Statistics reveal that women wear lipstick more than even brushing their teeth!
5. 70% Men find red lipstick sexy.
6. Lipstick is the most commonly shoplifted item.
7. 69% women reapply lipstick nearly thrice a day.
8. 30% of our lipstick ends up in our stomach.
9. Storing lipsticks in the refrigerator can extend their life.
10. Most lipsticks contain fish scales.
Interesting? What are you waiting for? Go grab your shade. But before that, don’t try to leave your response in the comment section below.