Yes yes, we all know that love is blind and that matches are made in heaven, blah blah – but what you cannot deny is that some societies and sects simply have the most date-able women! Such is the Punjabis! Here are the top 10 reasons why you should ask out that Punjabi girl in your class:
1. She is attractive – hands down! Fair, most with pink lips and cheeks, they have the looks to kill.
2. And the strength too. Bhaisaab, ‘dhaai kilo ka haath’ kudiyo ke bhi hotey hain!
3. She is among the most fun-loving and joyous of all the women you will meet across the country. She will join you and your friends at a game of Kings Cup and even go to a match with you! She just loves to laugh and have fun.
4. ‘Sikhni hai’ woh! Bhatinda ki ho ya Patiala ki, a Punjabi girl is confident, looks like it and will not shy away from anything – she can even catch a guy who makes a pass at her and teach him a lesson for life!
5. She is born with a natural talent of cooking awesome food! Even if it is the first time she enters the kitchen, your Punjabi girl will be contributing to a great extent in reducing your Dhaba bills
6. Have you ever turned on the music in front of your girl? If not, then be prepared to be complimented for your choice of woman! Punjabi girls love to dance and they are confident about it.
7. She will be the perfect host to any party you will ever hold. Genteel and mesmerising, she is the girl who will welcome the guests and show them the way to the dining room, see if they have all eaten properly and see them off – all flawlessly, without the smile fading even once.
8. Graceful and confident, your Punjabi kudi is a class apart – knowing what she wants and being independent yet not rude about it.
9. She will not feel shy like other girls in drinking beer at night.
10. Mom will love her, well, because she is pleasing. She knows just how the women are impressed, especially the elder ones.
Hint – she can turn out to be the one who sustains the balance in your life while not attempting to lessen fun by any means.