In truth, there are various reasons why a particular fruit and vegetables grow in such weird shapes. Whatever be the truth and reasons behind them, we brought the most funny shaped fruits and vegetables which forgot to be plants. Have a look at this list where carrot forgot to be carrot and radish who took the human character.
1. Carrot (Toy Story’s Buzz Light-year)
2. Hey, this is a Bear shaped strawberry
3. We would always love to see such teddy bear shaped potatoes.
4. Look at this sophisticated radish.
5. Long faced Brinjal or you call it as a long faced elephant.
6. And these are ‘Terrified peppers’
7. Cute – Duck shaped tomato
8. Gift it to someone – Heart shaped Watermelon
9. Lovely duck shaped Pumpkin
10. Angry Bird Onion
So, would you like to add some more in the list? Do comment and let us know.