So many times we have seen guys fighting and beating each other with different moves punches and kicks 😛
But it is more interesting when the fight is between two girls and sometimes with guys also, Hahaha
they have their unique way of fighting which we MEN finds it damn funny !! LOL
So we are going to see what they actually do while and after the fighting .
1. How Long It Could Be Remembered ?
2. How Do They Forgive.!
3. Involving Mom In The Fight , Haha
4. What Happen When They Fight On Facebook..!!
5. Their Fight Matters For Everyone..!
6.Difference Between Men’s Fight And Women’s Fight
7.It’s All About Pulling Hair
8.Fight With BF Over Stupid Reasons
9. Oh!! Here Is The Most Important One- Fighting Over A Guy , LOL
10.How Do They React If Cared Too Much ..!!
Hussshhhhh, So guys After getting into such adventurous topic , hope you guys will be careful with your girlfriends,
you may share if you have any other idea about girl’s fighting ..!! haha