If you want to buy Happiness for your kids, give them a permission to miss school and they be the happiest soul on this earth .Kids really hate school and believe me or not they wish that their school disappears all of a sudden or get dissolved somewhere. Name me a child who enjoys attending schools, actually no one or you can hardly counts on kids who love to go to school regularly. Once you Kids are the most innocent souls and their innocence can be clearly reflected when they try to give silly reasons to skip schools. They actually have hard time when for kids when it is Sunday, however they manage it well to come out of the situation with some funny excuses and reasons. They actually are smart to give some stupid, funny and innocent ideas when they want to skip their schools. Let’s check some of the funniest reasons given by kids to skip their school.
1.I couldn’t wake up
The most common reason given by a child, actually not just kids but the excuse is evergreen for people with different ages.
2.I had a bad dream last night
I could actually imagine the condition of the kid if he ever had a bad dream last night, but probably he didn’t have any.
3. I thought its Sunday
Sunday is a holiday, and all the kids wish the weekdays gets converted into Sundays. They remember very well about the school but manage it well with the reason.
4. I suffering from fever
I have actually seen kids who give an excuse to suffer from 104 degree temperature. Funniest excuse of all.
5. My dog ate the homework
It is actually the homework who takes them from skipping homework. My dog ate the homework is one of the excuse.
6. I thought teacher is absent
Funny one again, kids figure out perfectly that they thought teacher would be absent so he decides to skip the school.
7. I didn’t find my tooth brush
Lol out of all, some creative kids too manages to give such an excuse that they could not find their toothbrush in the morning.
8. Couldn’t find cloths
A small kid didn’t manage to find his cloths and dress up. I can still imagining situation, so funny.
9. school declared holiday
This is one of the cool reasons for kids who actually have cool parents.
10.I had a stomach ache
Favourite excuses of all, no one can check the intensity of stomach ache or did you actually have I or not.