Delhi-te? or wanna know one. Here are 10 basic rules of a delhi girl, that will get you thinking why they are different and will be recognized anywhere.
1. Selfie Ready
1.. 2… 3… to make us shut , just say selfie
2. Language And Mixing
We take the term ‘bilingual’ very seriously, so we mix our English with Hindi while we speak. You would hear us speak both languages with total ease because we consider ourselves totally awesome in speaking both languages. Sometimes, you would also get to hear a different accent.
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3. Self Obsession
Everything about us us P…PERFECT
4. Importance of AUTO WALLE BHAIYA
The only person who can actually reject us.
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5.Self Protection
We patiently ignore the eve teasers for sometime but we are never afraid to take off our chappals and beat them, when we get really upset. We try to avoid any sort of fight or public display of drama but when somebody tries to irritate us with cheap actions, we step up and raise our voices. We are bold like that!
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6.The Trend-setters
We set the fashion.
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7.Choose Our Boys.
We think very wisely when it comes to our men. They totally need to match our checklist.
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8. Travelling Affair
We love travelling in cars but, metro ride is also enjoyable for us. We are never ashamed of sitting on the floor in the metro if we are tired. There is no one better than us who can tell you about Metro routes. Cars or buses, scooters or autos, we know exactly how to adjust in any of it.We know how to get to our destination , quite well.
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9. The Drama Queen
One credit which belongs solely to Delhi girls is of creating drama. A Delhi girl can create drama at any point.
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10. Desi at Heart
Eating pizza and burger is cool for us, but there is nothing better than having Naan with Dal Makhani.