Even though India is a secular country and all my Indians are my brothers and sisters still the south Indian and north Indian people can never stop from boasting about themselves. We consider each cousin brother and sister, and that is why we try to show off and try to prove that we are the best. There are in general a lot of differences due to the geographical and climatic conditions, but that is natural and we can not do anything about it. We have different sets of customs and rituals, and we have got them from our ancestors. A north Indian visits the southern part of India and gets to taste a different culture altogether.
Rice Rice everywhere
You won’t find chapatti but different varieties of rice. Rice is widely consumed in south Indian states. Tamarind rice, curd rice, lemon rice, you only have to name it.
Public Transport
Travelling by public transport is a straightforward task. People don't fool, and they honestly pay their tickets. The conductor has a very carefree job because even if it is a crowded bus, the people are trustworthy.
School Kids
The school going students can travel without any rent in Karnataka State Road Transportation Corporation.
The climate in south India stays moist the whole year. Sometimes it rains so heavily that one starts feeling cold and needs woollen clothes. In North India, the weather becomes so stuffy and sweaty.
The intensity of green colour that one finds there can make anyone dumbstruck.
Beverages served in steel glass
Firstly coffee or tea is served in steel glasses and top of that a bowl is given as well. The usage of the container is unknown.
Forbidden bindi and flowers
Unmarried girls wear bindi and flowers but as per north Indian traditions wearing them is only allowed after marriage.
In North India, people call unknown people as Behen(Sister) but there people refer as Maa or Amma.
Everything is so clean. The surroundings are very well maintained, and it is initiated by the government and the general public as well. People don’t spit and litter around.
Everyone acknowledges each other’s efforts. One can hear a lot of thank you and sorry.
In the end, we all are a part of the same country. We all are proud of each other and live together peacefully. These differences don’t matter because if something happens in one part of the country, then the remaining citizens help through prayers and money.