Countries with highest suicide rates are mostly poor, but some among them are highly developed and rich nations in the world with high suicide rates. September is National Suicide Prevention Month in the United States, and suicide is one of the most tragic occurrences in the world. Here we mention you 10 countries around the world with highest suicide rates and we wish this trend ends.
1. Guyana is one among the rural countries from South America where the estimated rate of suicide is more than 44.2 out of 100,000.
2. Average suicide rate of South Korea is 28.9 out of 100,000 where poisoning is the common method.
3. Little Asian country, Sri Lanka is a home of 20 million people with a average suicide rate of 28.9
4. Due to unemployment and poverty enveloped in the country, suicide rate in Lithuania is 31 out of 100,000
5. Suriname is a small country on the northeastern coast of South America, with an estimated suicide rate of 27.8 out of 100,000.
6. Mozambique is a southern African nation with a suicide rate of 27.4.
7. With a suicide rate of 24.9, Tanzania ranks seventh in the list.
8. Next is Nepal, with a suicide rate same as Tanzania i.e 24.9.
9. Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world with a suicide rate of 23.8.
10. Shockingly but true, India ranks tenth in the world with the suicide rate of 21.1 per 100,000.
We really wish the number comes down and people quit from these option.