Each actor tries to get a promising career, where they struggle a lot to find a starring role. Here we mention you list of few celebrities whose career were killed by one terrible movie.
1. The movie ‘Pluto Nash’ proved terrible for Eddie Murphy .
2. After the movie ‘Batman & Robin’ it took several years to recover for Chris O’Donnell.
3. ‘Waterworld’ (1995) sunk the stardom of Kevin Costner.
4. It is probably said, ‘Cutthroat Island’ (1995) killed the career of Geena Davis.
5. Jake Lloyd swore off acting forever after appearing in ‘Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace’.
6. Mike Myers literally disappeared after ‘The Love Guru’ (2008).
7. ‘Superman Returns’ (2006) killed the career of Brandon Routh.
8. ‘Elizabeth Berkley’ failed after the movie ‘Showgirls’.
9. Halle Berry disappeared for nearly about 10 years after ‘Catwoman’ (2004).
10. It was a down turn in Demi Moore’s career after ‘Striptease’.
These were some of the celebrities whose career were killed by one terrible movie