Drugs and alcohol can be so destructive, that you don’t realize while sniffing them but in course of time they eventually end up giving life. This is seriously so wretched to know, that these people have eventually lost their lives due to drug overdose.
1. The pop superstar Michael Jackson died in cardiac arrest which was caused by an overdose of propofol and benzodiazepine drug, which he used to get better sleep.
2. Amy Winehouse was a drug addict which included intake of cocaine and heroin frequently. However, the celeb died due to alcohol intoxication as the alcohol level in blood had increased.
3. Former child star Corey Haim, was noticed dead at Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center which was due to accidental drug overdose.
4. Anna Nicole Smith died just five months after losing her son, in an overdose caused by a lethal combination of methadone, Zoloft and Lexapro.
5. Singer, Judy Garland died a tragic death were the reason was officially announced as “an incautious self-overdose”.
6. River Phoenix collapsed and died of drug-induced heart failure on the sidewalk outside the West Hollywood, Calif., and nightclub.
7. Marilyn Monroe was pronounced dead in her bedroom by her psychiatrist which was due to drug overdose and also a probable suicide.
8. The rocker Janis Joplin died suddenly at the Landmark Motor Hotel in West Hollywood, Calif., due to heroin overdose.
9. Rapper, Chris Kelly passed away in Atlanta due to drug overdose combined toxic effects of heroin, cocaine, ethanol, hydrocodone.
10. Oscar winning actor, Philip Seymour Hoffman died from an apparent heroin overdose at 46 years of age.
We really hope, this list ends soon.