Beach time is the time to relax and enjoy the natural beauty surrounding you. Beaches are ultimate for all the kids, couple and fits in as a perfect family time too. And if you live near beach you would love collecting some treasures from the sea and we are sure you have spent enough time doing that. Besides the shells, sea grasses, marbles or something common which are expected to be found in beach, we have brought you some unique and bizarre things which people found at the beach. Have a look.
1. Someone’s real life story found in this bottle.
2. NES washed up on the beach.
3. A p-38 plane, found on a beach in Whales.
4. Amazing Snow balls found.
5. Giant Lego Man found near a beach
6. Scary fish skeleton
7. Part of Rocketship
8. Sandcastle found near a beech
9. A rock which looks like little piece of Sushi
10. Piece of WW2 found on the beach in Japan
Would you love to share something that you found at beech?