Name me a person who doesnot love to sleep? Probably no one. Everyone loves to sleep and each one of us wish if we could spend few days just by sleeping. However, sleeping is one among the addiction which have various disorders too. Check put these 10 bizarre sleep disorders you may be suffering from.
1. Somniloquy (Sleep Talking)
Somiloquy refers to talking aloud in one’s sleep. It can be quite loud, ranging from simple sounds to long speeches, and can occur many times during sleep.
2. Sexsomnia
Sexsomnia, is a sleep disorder, where people have sex while they’re sleeping without realizing it and the disorder of sexsomnia affects 11% of male and 4% of women.
3. Non-24-Hour Sleep Disorder
It is one of the rarest sleep disorders doctors have ever come across. As humans we have a circadian rhythm that is said to roughly correlate with the 24 hours in a day varies from person to person.
4. Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a condition which involves start and pause of breathing during the night, which elevates the risk for a stroke.
5. Somnambulistic Eating
This disorder is related to Night Eating Syndrome (NES) except for the fact that those suffering from NES are completely awake and aware of their eating. While people suffering from somnambulistic are completely unaware of what they are doing.
6. Bruxism
Bruxism is the most common disorder with up to 40 million Americans suffering from this. In this disorder a person grinds or clenches their jaw during sleep.
7. Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
Restless Legs Syndrome is a condition that is characterized by an irresistible urge to move one’s body to stop uncomfortable or odd sensations. It most commonly affects the legs.
8. Sleep Paralysis
This temporary paralysis keeps us from acting out our dreams and hurting ourselves. “You know you’re awake and you want to move but you just can’t.”
9. Cataplexy
People have this rare disorder where they get an attack of the giggles, falls over and blacks out.
10. Exploding Head Syndrome
Exploding head syndrome is another parasomnia that causes the person to hear a loud noise just before falling asleep.
So, are you suffering from any of these sleep disorders?