We all are aware of the people in the below list, but do you know what these people were doing in their teenage years?
1. Mark Zuckerberg: Zuckerberg developed an interest in computers at an early age; when he was about 12, he used Atari BASIC to create a messaging program he named “Zucknet.”
Current net worth: $34.8 billion.
2. Bill Gates: At the age of 13, Gates became the smartest kid in his school, acing in every subject. In the eight grade, he took interest in programming in BASIC. Later, he went on to write first program which let users play a game of tic tac toe against the computer.
Current net worth: $79.8 billion.
3. Jeff Bezos: The founder of amazon.com, in his childhood days used to spend countless hours building models and an assortment of electronics kits. He worked on science projects, often coming up with his own “inventions.” By the time he reached high school, he had turned the family garage into his personal science and electronics laboratory.
Current net worth: $34.7 billion.
4. Warren Buffet: By the age of 13, Buffett was running his own businesses as a paperboy and selling his own horseracing tip sheet. His family says, Buffet was a mathematical prodigy who could add large columns of numbers in his head.
Current net worth: $72.3 billion.
5. Elon Musk: The founder of Tesla Motors, co-founder of PayPal, and CEO of SpaceX had a troublesome childhood. He was an awkward, young boy, who was interested in science. His father used to abuse him physically, while the kids at school used to bully him.
Current net worth: $11.8 billion.

6. Jack Dorsey: As a kid he was fascinated by maps, and wanted to draw a live map of his city. It was probably this fascination and enthusiasm which led him to success of making Twitter.
Current net worth: $2.3 billion.
7. Larry Page: His childhood home was full of computers and science magazines, and that increased his fascination for technology at an early age. He was also interested in business and innovation, and by the age of 12 he realized that he wanted to start a company. His dream surely fulfilled as he went on to find the search giant-Google with Sergy Brin.
Current net worth: $29.2 billion.
8. Jack Ma: He’s the richest man in China. When he was as a kid, he used to get involved in a lot of fights. In an interview, he claims he was never afraid to fight anyone bigger than him. He had hobbies as kid of collecting crickets and making them fight.
Current net worth: $22.8 billion.
9. Sir Richard Branson: He was a patient of dyslexia which made him quit school at the age of 16. After he dropped out, he started a magazine called Student, where students run the magazine for students.
Current net worth: $4.8 billion.
10. Steve Jobs: The late founder of Apple, was the type of child who liked to stick to himself. He only did competitive swimming, and no team sports. He was interested in electronics and gadgets, because he would spend a lot of time in his neighbor’s garage, who worked at Hewlett-Packard Company.
Net worth before his death: $11 billion.
So that was the list of some billionaires and their childhood. Were you able to relate to any of their teenage life?