Do you already have special someone in your life? Then, I am sure you can do anything to keep in contact. Sometime there may be distance or you just want to keep the charm of your loving relationship going. Internet can help you with this by doing some ideas virtually to get romantic.
1. Think visual that you can express verbally. Hope you remember the film Hum Tum? Thus, taking this into mind you can make some romantic comic strip to send across your lady love.
2. Show your love and affections via some online sign creators. You can customize romantic signs to send this with emails or social networking site to your loved ones.
3. Generate online candy hearts, customize the message and send this attached to the mail to your loved ones. Don’t forget to attach your sweetie’s favourite song.
4. Create some PowerPoint slides to let them know about your feeling. Add charts, figures to make it more interesting.
5. Photoshop can be a very creative way to express your love. Get some movie posters and mix in Photoshop with the faces of you both to show the epic love saga.
6. If you are artistic attach or compose some of your own or taken poetry lines from internet to the email. Your sweetheart will surely love this for her.
7. Keep sending smileys while you both chat. This will help the romance going and make her feel happy.

8. Dedicate her greeting from some popular website and send the link.

9. Attach your pictures that have you both into the Facebook status or post on twitter. Let the world know about your relation.

10. Send romantic SMS taken from internet. You can be flirty, romantic, and naughty by selecting various options into this.