Only women can understand how painful periods can be; women are strong, which is why they are able to bear this discomfort for 4-5 days. We have often come across many articles, debates and posts, wherein people make fun of “Period pain”. But no one can feel what women go through during these days.
On the first day of period, it becomes very difficult to work amidst those cramps and mood swings. However, it seems that companies have started accepting the difficulties that accompany menstruation.
Yes, there are 2 Indian companies, that have taken the initiative of starting “Paid menstrual leave for women”. Isn’t it a great thing?
The first one is Culture Machine; they broke this news to female employees with a surprise video. This is termed as “First Day of Period Leave”; on the first day of period, women can take a paid leave.
2nd is a digital marketing company, Gozoop. Even this company has recognized their pain and suffering and has declared a paid leave on the 1st day of period. It’s actually good to see that companies are coming forward and taking such steps in favor of women.
HR head of Culture Machine said that this step might help in boosting the productivity. If a woman comes back from a break and works, she will feel refreshed and will give in her best.
Soon, this trend might spread to other companies as well. We appreciate the companies for being sensitive towards women’s issues.