Burping! Not only babies love to do it, but all young and old people equally participate in this act. While on other hand, some group of people think Burping is just hilarious! Now, I would say, Gas is normal function and everybody has it! This is no more a joke! Here are some thinks you should know about burp.
1. Gas is a serious business! But the less your burp , the more you fart. No we are not joking!
2. The longest burp ever recorded is 1 minute 13 seconds 57 milliseconds and was achieved by Michele Forgione in Reggiolo, Italy, on June 16, 2009.
3. While there are so many food taboos around the world, in some cultures burp after meal is considered to be a compliment for chef.
4. The loudest burp ever recorded was 109.9 decibels and was achieved by Paul Hunn in Bognor Regis, United Kingdom, on August 23, 2009. That’s louder than the roar of a motorcycle or snowmobile!