Fueled by tales of bloodshed and attacks, there was something common between all these times. Swords are considered to be the seeds to the legend where they were the only savior. Here, we brought you some of the best swords traced in the history of mankind.
1. Zulfigar is the most ancient and powerful sword of the Islamic leader Ali which is considered as the symbol of Islamic faith of millions.
2. Tomoyuki Yamashita’s personal sword was carried by him throughout the world war II which contained a blade manufactured by famous sword maker Fujiwara Kanenaga.
3. Curved saber of San Martin, the south American hero owns a personified curved sword which he purchased from London.
4. Seven-Branched sword is one of the unusual sword which was a gift of the king of Baekje.The weapon is a 74.9 cm long iron sword with six branch-like protrusions along the central blade, which is 65.5 cm.
5. Wallace Sword is a sword of Willian Wallance which is located at the National monument of Sterling, Scotland.
6. Tizona is a 2.4 pounds heavy sword that was used by El Cid to fight against the Moors.
7. A gold-encrusted sword which belonged to Napoleon is auctioned for a record-breaking 4.8m euro.
8. Sword of mercy is the sword which symbolizes the monarch’s authority and role as a leader in war. It was mostly been used for royal ceremonies.
9. Among the lost swords was the Honjo Masamune, known as the example of Japanese sword-making perfection, whose location remains untraced now.
10. Joyeuse is the name of Charlemagne’s personal sword which today sits in the louvre museum and is one of the most famous swords in history.
If you are a sword lover, which one would you like to get?